Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Disney World & Serenity Bay Paul, Allison

Hippo riding by at Disney. Gabriel, Kristian and Abigail helped us get on many fun rides.

Paul in hammock at Serenity Bay.

Allison feeding ibis's. It was a pretzel with cheese. The birds were standing around her conspicuously.

Location:Orlando, Bahamas


  1. I hardly recognized you in the hammock! Those glasses look familiar...
    The ibis sure are small. I thought they were bigger birds than that. That hippo is my favorite!

  2. Mary Margaret. Yes I do look like someone else don't I. I thought you'd like the ibis photo because of the ibis clothing at that clothing store in Wood Stock VT etc. I was pretty cool seeing the multi thousand pound hippo glide along like a ballerina performing Swan Lake....well almost. Paul Daniel
